Border Security and Immigration - Our great State of Texas, as we all know, has the most bordering land on the United States-Mexico border. Because of that, we need the strongest and strictest border security laws. Building the Wall doesn't need to be an afterthought, it needs to be the top priority. Beyond that, we need deeper background checks on everyone that crosses the border attempting to gain U.S. citizenship. It's not just our national security that's at risk, it's the safety of our children.
Term Limits - One of the driving issues that we are dealing with, both state-wide and nationally, is career politicians holding office for term after term. Elected officials should be restricted to a certain number of terms. Without these restrictions, politicians are making a career out of abusing the system. System abuse and near-guaranteed reelection simply based on name recognition are significant attributes of the current systematic corruption in our government. By eliminating this factor, these issues can be eliminated. Political corruption would be at an all time low, and we'd have more confidence that our tax money isn't being used to line some politician's pockets.
Narcotics and Drug Issues - A major issue in Harris County is the drug trade. The distribution of narcotics is heavily present in Harris County, whether we realize it or not. Not only is it present on the streets, but it's in our schools too. Once elected, Tanner Mizell will work hand in hand with local law enforcement agencies to make our district safer and drug free, and work on implementing new school programs in an effort to make our schools more secure.